The Match

Explore information and advice on the residency Match process

For ERAS and NRMP questions, please contact Pamela Beatty Cupitt or Barbara Sharp

Check out Career Planning for more information on the Career Exploration Series, Faculty Advisors and Medical Specialties.

2024 UMMS Match News and Resources



How well do UMMS students do in the Match?

The U-M Medical School residency Match rate is higher than the national average. We also have a higher percentage of students who apply to the more difficult-to-match specialties and who aim for the most competitive residencies.

What is the Match timeline?

Students match in January of their M4 year for early Match specialties, and in mid-March for other medical fields.

Match Day is usually the third Friday in March, and is the culmination of the M4 residency matching process.


General Info and Opportunities

List of 2023 - 2024 Virtual Residency/Open Houses

URIM Opportunities

Virtual Residency Showcases

Specialty-Specific Information

Specialty-Specific Opportunities

 Quick Links